Wax melts in fresh scents

With wax melts in autumn scentsimmediately provide warmth and coziness. Turn your room into an attractive setting and discover the scented notes of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, ginger, warm vanilla and caramel.

Fragrances with the characteristics of autumn.

The season has officially started with wax melts in autumn scents! Embrace this wonderful fragrance collection that will immediately improve your mood during the rainy weather.

Create natural connection and discover the joy of autumn with scents like pumpkin spice, apple cider, salted caramel, have a nice glass of wine butterbeer or turn all the way in with Home Sweet Home.
Autumn scents reduce stress and create a harmonious atmosphere through the uplifting citrus fruits such as orange and bergamot, woody aromas such as pine or warmth of vanilla, pumpkin and caramel.

Transform your home with an oasis of comfort and bring the joy of autumn (without rain!) into your home.

Is your favorite autumn scent not listed? Please feel free to contact us, we are happy to think along with you!